Supported Holidays

The Housing Connection Supported Holidays

Holidays are a very important part of the lives of the people we support. We encourage people to fulfil their dreams. Over the years, we have supported individuals to enjoy overseas trips (for example to Florida, USA to watch the launch of the Space Shuttle; Canada; Fiji, New Zealand, Vanuatu) and various places in Australia (Queensland’s Gold Coast and Brisbane, Coff’s Harbour, Port Stevens, Canberra, Parkes) – wherever anyone wants to go!! They may go on their own, with a key worker or with a small group, depending on their preferences.

“ My big dream was to go to NASA – but I didn’t believe this was possible until someone at The Housing Connection said “Why not?” I saved for many years for an airfare and accommodation. I researched the best time to go to make sure I could see a launching. I also found an aircraft museum nearby and a motel where I slept in a shuttle capsule bed. In April 2010 I went with my friend Tracey to the United States and watched the second last launch of the Space Shuttle at Cape Canaveral!”


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