Rewarding and valued lives for all people with disabilities
Support people who have intellectual and other disabilities to live fulfilling lives in the community, as independently as possible
THC is
A Quality Influential, Integrated Disability Service Provider
Strategic Pillars
Quality – Individually tailored supports delivered
Sustainability – THC delivers services sustainably.
Opportunities – Identified, Evaluated and Operationalised.
Strategic Focus Areas – In 2025 we will have achieved
1. All clients have had a regular quality review where outcomes have been achieved. 2. Improved span of control of our team leaders, which has, enhanced team capability, improved client quality outcomes and brand sustainability. 3. We have maintained our vision; we have lived our values and we have adhered to our mission. Through this we have achieved a strong and sustainable THC culture and embedded capabilities. |
1. Service delivery has grown incrementally and service quality to participants has been maintained. 2. Collaboration and networking occur with a range of stakeholders to explore potential opportunities. 3. Alternative sources of revenue have grown through fundraising, philanthropy, bequests, fee for service etc. 4. THC has achieved efficiencies and effectiveness through technology. |
1. We have undertaken successful partnering arrangements that increase our access to varying types of housing stock. 2. We have developed our branding to enable us to create strategic relationships with philanthropic funders. 3. We have identified the range of potential financial investments that will underpin our financial sustainability. 4. We have enhanced our approach to people resource development and see this as instrumental to our future. |