Recognise someone amazing!

Who demonstrates our values in their work?

Nominate a worthy work peer to be the THC Legend of the Month.

Fill out the THC Legend Nomination Form and submit to by the first Wednesday of each month for the month prior.

The announcement of the winning Legend of the Month will be emailed to all staff.
The successful nominee will receive a $50  gift voucher. 

Where a nomination is made for co-worker/peer, the person nominating the winner chosen will also receive a $50 gift voucher.


T&Cs: the person nominating and the person nominated must have passed their probationary period. Family members and friends should not be nominating one another.

Our Values

We are reliable and trustworthy, demonstrating the best practice with those we support

We believe all people are entitled to the benefits of citizenship within our society

We treat all people in the manner in which we wish to be treated ourselves.

We focus on supporting people to live the lives they want to live.

We work to achieve the best outcomes for the people we support.

We are passionate and committed to our work and the people we support.

Do you want more information?​


Help us make a difference. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible