The Housing Connection (THC) started its journey with an over-riding commitment to fostering empowerment, facilitating social inclusion and promoting socially valued roles within their communities, for and with the people to whom THC deliver services.
Rewarding and valued lives for all people with disabilities
• Support people who have intellectual and other disabilities to live fulfilling lives in the community, as independently as possible.
• Place our clients at the centre of all we do. Their unique and individual needs determine the services we deliver.
• Support, train and value staff to make this mission real.
• Manage ourselves responsibly to ensure our long-term viability.
Social Justice
The principle of valuing all individuals guides us to challenge unfair practices and policies
We are passionate and committed to our work
We are reliable and trustworthy, demonstrating the best practice with those we support
Social Inclusion
We believe all people are entitled to the benefits of citizenship within our society
We treat all people with respect and understanding
We focus on supporting people to live the lives they want to live